Tuesday 15 September 2009

perihal jula dan juli

Ye nyahhhh mmg bulu mate awak lentik fabules makan hati Beyonce!

Yaaaa hari ini kita bercerita tentang pasangan pengapit jula dan juli! The misadventure started with me treating my adek manje (alalallalala) to a steak birthday dinner at The Ship seblah pertama kompleks. The food-so so, the ambiance-so so, the gossip-terbaeekkkkk!! hehe Haroun just so u know ur my favourite gossip girl everrrr! :p

We were supposed to hunt for two bj melayu outfits to match with my gojes baju2 utk menjadi pasangan pengapit jula juli for Wan n Safura's wedding, but since adek manje Haroun bergerak dari puchong ke kl kol 5 ptg di bulan pose n x cukup dgn itu die bole pegi masuk federal plak, maka sy pun went on to search for the bj melayu myself. Beli dah beli dah, matching dah mmg matching sgt ngan baju sy, tp ya ampunnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn punyela terang kaler die smpi si Haroun dah nampak cam traffic light dah berkilau2 n bersinar2 hahahahaha if either papa wan or mama puya is reading this, xpe2 no worries bebeh, kitorang kan engineer, trained to b a problem solver n think out of the box wahahha dan2 jek..i promise we won't ruin ur beautiful wedding!!

I know some ppl might cringe even at the mere thought of Jalan TAR late at night but i LOVE it!!! Weird as it might sound, for me there's a certain serenity in being squashed amidst a sea of people yang bersesak2 hunting for a good bargain..ape? terhimpit2 mcm dlm tin sardin bole ko terase tenang? haha neways this day was supposed to be the 1st time sy keluarkan duit gaji!!! my first ever employment pay!! Semangat berkobar2 ok siap tangkap gambar nak cucuk duit kat atm xle blah, last2 mmg betul xleh blah sbb my account was inactive, oh yes, the last time I used my CIMB account was 4 years ago zaman2 KMS, at that time CIMB was still BCB hahaha that loongggggg! Owh well it seems like my duit gaji is going to be safe for a few more days..

Sy dengan senyum panjang lebar berdebar2 nak keluarkan gaji pertama

3 minit kemudian muke keciwa hampa setelah 3 kali transaction dikansel huhuhu

Kepada adik2 dan anak2 sedare dan adik2 sekampung: Akaun bank INACTIVE=xleyh kuar duit=xde duit raye=akak kedekut tp xpe akak cun abg sy kem salam...eyhhhhh hahahaha :P

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