Kenape plak sy nak ade blog baru? Hehe bcos this time this blog serves a different kind of purpose, blog lame was like that bcos I felt ashamed and uncomfortable if I get too personal and too let go in my postings, segan kot kalo org bace! This time around, i've decided to persetankan semua itu sbb xde org bace blog saye pun! hahahahaha :D
Ok and also this does have to do with me waking up pagi ni (walaupun x brape nak pagi) and checking my HSBC account and finding that MARA dah x masuk duit beribu raban bulan ni....sighhhhh I'm officially no longer a student!! Dear xom, sile cepat2 suruh sy jadi kuli batak anda so that I can sustain my monthly contributions to my various charity organisations, haha thought counts okk! :P Eyhhh kene mengena?? Well disebabkan depresi, sy terase a new blog wud be the best kind of therapy!!
Azam utk blog kali ini: utk memblog kisah2 menarik sy setiap hari!!!! It sounds like a no brainer tp sumpah this is almost impossible for me! Dulu mase kecik2 punyela semangat tiap2 taun beli buku tebal nak buat diary, but I never wrote past a month! Itupun 3 ari pertame je tulis pastu dah berselang minggu2, samela cam blog lame, berminggu2 baru update! eheheheehe I have a gud feeling bout this one tho cewah2 :D
Gtg- Membe tgh tgg kat area Sogo, mlm ni pegi bukak pose ngan kawan2 yg best! hee~~~:D
Update: Tibe2 baru perasan that my 1st posting was on Haroun's 23rd birthday!! ceh padehal nmpk sgt bace balik posting sendiri here's a BIGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG bday shout out to dearest haroun!!! Balik cepat nyahhhhh kaula pengarang jantung hati aku x saba nak gosssssss (light2 je la sbb bulan pose, nnt potong markah! haha)
Ini gamba terbaru Haroun, die yg dok mengoyin (tersengeh) kat tgh2 tu, masih single, boleh rekemen! yg pendek belah kanan pakai sarung nangka tu juge single ye hehehehee yg tinggi lampai kontrol macho tu plak single but not available la plakkkkk haha :P Together, we're the singletonssss! :D
huyoo...dh ade blog la..