Saturday 29 August 2009

Xmola nanges2 nnt cpt wrinkle

Sedar x sedar I've only two days left of freedom! nooooooooooooo :'( janji tgh nanges betol!! I'm not ready for working life!! I wanna go back to Soton wif my Honeysuckles kesayangan n bum around like nobody's business! Tp my Honeysuckles kesayangan korang sempat lagi selamatkan i from miserable working life; since duit MARA dah naik korang bole sponsor i to bum around soton for another year!! u know u want me there!! heh padehal lega sbb liza da xde nak membebel dapo kotor haihhhh

Owh gosh so much to do! - kene pk nak pakai baju ape gi keje n buat rotation baju yg sekurang2nya kene last 2 minggu, tudung lagi, kasut lagi! kene print gamba2 nak taruk atas meja ofis lg owhh n kene plan n stomp my way through the rush hour crowd yg seme menghala ke klcc pagi n ptg haihhhh not mentioning having to wake up early evryday! This is skolah menengah all over again! Except that this'd b for life! :'(

I'm sooooo nervous starting working life, macam2 pk, what if i hate the job? what if i hate the place? what if i cannot do my job? what if the high paying job is not worth it sbb ari2 duit abes kene baya makan lunch kat klcc yg mahal nk mampos!

I'm giving myself a year to prove my worth (itupun kalo x diberhentikan dulu sebab lembik sgt) n owh yesssssssssss knowing me, there r going to be plenty of tears along the way jadi pls tepon sy slalu n angkat the phone bile sy kol sbb salah satu bende yg paling annoy sy dlm hidup ialah bile sy x dpt kontek org hehe apsal mcm spesifik ni? hohohohoho plis pray that I will survive and still stay in one piece a year from now..aminnnn

Ini gamba sy seblum menjadi gelap itam legam dek berjemur bwh sinaran matahari di tgh lautan, sila tatap puas2! sbb lepas ni sy xkan lagi boleh berpuas ati dgn gambar sendiri yg not bad walaupun wajah x bermekap (tettt casss! gedebommm!!!) ..ini juga mungkin bulan2 terakhir seblum sy tdk lg boleh mgunakan ZA compact conceler pwder no 22 dan juga Bobbi Brown Compact Foundation no 4 kerna terpaksa beli makeup baru yg 2,3 tona kulit lebih gelap. Sile pggl sy hitam2 si tampok manggis utk menjaga hati sy n to stop me from crying..dah2 berenti nanges pegi tdo! haisshhhhhh :'(

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