Thursday 27 August 2009

Shahmeen's farewell

8.14 am: Kringgg...kring.....sape plak tepon subuh2 ni? alamak!! dh terlepas sahur rupenye! :( . Huhu I received a call this morning from Exxon saying that I'm expected to lapor diri 8am on the 1st of Sept!! Wahhhh bermula sudah working life, about time tho me thinks :D Quite nervous nak tau which department I'll b in, mintak2la keje x brape nak demanding hehehe :P

On to more enjoyable events, smalam berlangsungnye majlis bukak pose at Holiday Villa Subang a.k.a farewell party for Shahmeen whose going off to Abu Dhabi on Friday *sob..sob* I'm soo gonna miss u mr polar bear!!! Ramai gile manusiaaaaa kat situ smalam but luckily we already had a reservation and siap ade special area lagi for reserved tables.

Smiley Mr Polar Bear with his hugeeee farewell card!

It was such a long day yest (padehal penat pose hehe), went to Sogo to meet up with Abe n dek e (betul ke eja?), that's where I bought the humongous farewell card despite 2 org mamat Kuching disapprovingly looking on haha ke sbb x puas ati korang yg kene bwk kad tu hihi :p From there pegi medan MARA (ceh bunyi cam jauh) anta certified exam transcript n singgah kedai kuih raye membe Abe, which coincidently turns out to be my membe gak -> tp membe aku dulu la be sbb aku kenal die dulu hehe. Bought Shahmeen's fav cookies: kuih tat nenas gulung, thx Faiz for the discount :) Sedap sgt kuih die, hehe silelaaaa promosi free utk kuih raya Berisi Cafe kat Medan MARA, slamat mencube puan2! :D

Pastu kitorang naikla komuter gi subang, rase bsalah plak drag Abe n Dek e naik public transport here n there, dahla packed so we had to stand the whole journey..ampunnnn..janji next year ko balik dari korea aku da bole drive, ckp je korang nk gi mane hehe :P Smpi Subang sempat lagi gi Subang Parade where Dek e stocked up on his Brahim, kat Korea leceh nak dapat ayam halal katenye..ala rugi plak x amek gamba berpuluh2 kotak Brahim tuuu hhahaha sumpah byk gile weyyy! Owh n bought Shahmeen another botol of the chocolate stick wafers nyum2!

After a looooonnnngggggg (jam gile) taxi ride to Holiday Villa, kitorang smpi ngam2 kol 7, evrybody got there around the same time, mokcik Fasyah finished her referral exam pagi tu so it's another reason to celebrate! :) A lot of us (altho not all of us) were there to celebrate the joyous occasion:

My brother Alan, Abe n adik Abe, dek e yg jauh lebih maco dari ko be hehehe

Pasangan merpati sejoli Riza n mokcik Laila Fasyah

Fieky channeling his 2nd brother (rambut sebijik) and Liza berbedak capuk n feeling ala2 burung merak u ollss haha

Dan tentunye yg diraikan, Shahmeen with the ribboned kuihs n the huge ass card!

As written on the card, Goodbye dear Shahmeen from all of us!!! n good luck in Abu Dhabi, nnt balik Msia calling2 okeh! We'll surely meet again insyAllah :) At about 10.30pm selepas melantak kaw2 n berbincang perihal semase (bkn mengumpat sape2 yg x dtg tu yeee tetttttt haha) we all made our seperate ways, haihhhh time flies so fast bile spend dgn org2 tersayang :D

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