Monday, 31 August 2009

Bior beno kamu jumpe Encik Baha ngan Obri AF7!

Hari ni hari membasuh baju, merujuk gamba di atas, anda pasti berfikir "anak sapa la ni, penuh satu beg baju x berbasuh, udoh le beg beso bebeno, ade baju yg dari summer lepeh xde berbasuh, isyyyy x buleh lgsg nak dibuat bini!" akan tetapiiiiii bile anda sudah tahu yg dlm beg tersebut seme baju2 jalan dan sy hanya basuh tgn bj2 jalan saye juga ade bj yg smpi setahun x basuh sbb weather uk x sesuai utk mengeringkan baju plus dryer hanya akan merosakkan bj2 saya pasti anda kini berfikir 'ohhh gitu ghopenyeee! ish2 anak sapaaaa la ni, pande beno jage baju, ade bj yg udoh 5 tahun nampok macam baru beli semalam, berjimat cermat sunggoh, sejukkkk ati buat bini" hahaha sesi puji diri kini tamat.

Utk melupakan kesedihan nak stat keje esok, bapak sy telah belanje makan bukak pose di Restoran Intai2 (sebut dua kali ye) kat Ampang. waaaaa sy yg rekemen kat bapak saya makan kat cni! dah setahun lebih dah sy nak makan kat cni, dlm byk2 tmpt sy bukak pose, yg ni makan paaaling besh!! Let these pictures do the talking now, shall we??

This is yours truly n her lil sister ina kat depan intai2, utk pengetahuan kawan2, restoran intai2 ni owner die encik Baha, warden AF1 tuuuuu! Tadi ade la die tgh sibuk2 prepare mknn utk berbuke, sy pun dgn tersengih excited kera sumbangnye pun menegur 'Cik Baha....' pastu die senyum balik, pastu terase x paham apsal diri sendiri star struck jumpe encik Baha haha dahla lupe nk mintak gamba haihhh

Gamba ni nak tunjuk slipa yg sy pakai, but more importantly, sudut bhgn kanan restoran hihi

Yg ni plak nak tunjuk hutan belukar yg mengelilingi restoran ni

Mungkin gambar ini menunjukkan gaya comel si gadis bertudung

Omg guess who i bumped into tonight!! ok xyah susah2 teka bukan kome kenal pun haha this is my bestfriend mase skola agama dulu, Nadia Seth!!! She's now an auditor with PWC and slim gile as always *jeles haha* n kat tepi kepala Anne (that's what I used to call her) yg nampak separuh muke tu boyfriend die, Obri AF7! hehe again malu nak tego n mintak gamba haihh gamba separuh pun jadi laaaa hihihihihi anyways good to see u Anne darling!!!! :D

Deko2 bahagian dalam restoran (model2 tidak dibayar malah membayar sendiri utk makan)

On to the glorious food:

Lauk pauk die banyak dan best! seme ade, berjenis2 masakan ayam, daging, udang, ikan, lala sotong, kerabu perghhhh

Ini plak yang bhgn bakar2, ade kambing golek, daging bakar, n ayam ape tah, sodaaappppppp! Owh me love the bbq sauce!

Ada juga mi goreng, nasi kerabu, nasi dagang, sup ekor ishh macam2 la!

Mewakili kumpulan mee kuah pula ade laksam, laksa thai, mi/bihun sup antaranya

Ini gamba2 desert, slain kuih muih ade gak candol n ABC n jeruk2 n rojak buah, air panas n sejuk pun berjenis2 gak :)

Ok penat sudah update blog, baju esok nak gi keje x gosok lagi....huaaaaa bye2 freedom! kpd kawan2 yg masih melepak goyang kaki senang hati, pls have scary nightmares 2nite!! muahahahahahaha *gelak eeeeeeeviillllll* oh ye lupe plak, sape2 yg berminat nak makan kat intai2, please visit :D

Saturday, 29 August 2009

Xmola nanges2 nnt cpt wrinkle

Sedar x sedar I've only two days left of freedom! nooooooooooooo :'( janji tgh nanges betol!! I'm not ready for working life!! I wanna go back to Soton wif my Honeysuckles kesayangan n bum around like nobody's business! Tp my Honeysuckles kesayangan korang sempat lagi selamatkan i from miserable working life; since duit MARA dah naik korang bole sponsor i to bum around soton for another year!! u know u want me there!! heh padehal lega sbb liza da xde nak membebel dapo kotor haihhhh

Owh gosh so much to do! - kene pk nak pakai baju ape gi keje n buat rotation baju yg sekurang2nya kene last 2 minggu, tudung lagi, kasut lagi! kene print gamba2 nak taruk atas meja ofis lg owhh n kene plan n stomp my way through the rush hour crowd yg seme menghala ke klcc pagi n ptg haihhhh not mentioning having to wake up early evryday! This is skolah menengah all over again! Except that this'd b for life! :'(

I'm sooooo nervous starting working life, macam2 pk, what if i hate the job? what if i hate the place? what if i cannot do my job? what if the high paying job is not worth it sbb ari2 duit abes kene baya makan lunch kat klcc yg mahal nk mampos!

I'm giving myself a year to prove my worth (itupun kalo x diberhentikan dulu sebab lembik sgt) n owh yesssssssssss knowing me, there r going to be plenty of tears along the way jadi pls tepon sy slalu n angkat the phone bile sy kol sbb salah satu bende yg paling annoy sy dlm hidup ialah bile sy x dpt kontek org hehe apsal mcm spesifik ni? hohohohoho plis pray that I will survive and still stay in one piece a year from now..aminnnn

Ini gamba sy seblum menjadi gelap itam legam dek berjemur bwh sinaran matahari di tgh lautan, sila tatap puas2! sbb lepas ni sy xkan lagi boleh berpuas ati dgn gambar sendiri yg not bad walaupun wajah x bermekap (tettt casss! gedebommm!!!) ..ini juga mungkin bulan2 terakhir seblum sy tdk lg boleh mgunakan ZA compact conceler pwder no 22 dan juga Bobbi Brown Compact Foundation no 4 kerna terpaksa beli makeup baru yg 2,3 tona kulit lebih gelap. Sile pggl sy hitam2 si tampok manggis utk menjaga hati sy n to stop me from crying..dah2 berenti nanges pegi tdo! haisshhhhhh :'(

Friday, 28 August 2009

Mak kejut anak faveret je

Ari ni x bgn sahur lagi sbb xde org kejut....sedeynyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Bgn2 dah kol 6.15, memula dah baring balik kehampaan pastu br teringat jam hfon lambat seplo minit, bukak laptop eyhhhh time same tp time hfon tu ikut time laptop lambat seplo minit la jugak, makanye sy pun lari pecut la ke bawah bajet2 sempat meneguk air 100plusorange n air masak suku botol besar seperti yg dah plan mase seblum tdo lg hahahhaha sempat la kot tu ek? cek2 tenet kol 5.55 rupenye sahur, xtau la plak kannn? Batal pose ke x ni? Tp xtau? Tp mmg kompem salah sendiri la waktu masuk subuh pun xtau hahahaha

Pantasnya liza update blog!

Wah wah baru masuk 50 minit hari Jumaat kome dah update blog???? wahahaha disebabkan kebzian melampau dgn aktiviti2 riadah yg telah disusun hari ini maka blog ini terpaksalah diupdate sejurus selepas masuknye ari Jumaat bg mencapai azam utk memblog ari2 :) Ade ke berite2 menarik yg dah jadi dlm x smpi sejam ni? Que Fasyah, whom never fails to dissapoint

Mokcik Fasyah: Liza ckp kat adik u i apologise sbb ckp die keje tol n owh wedding safura kat putrajaya theme kaler purple kan?

Liza: Eh xpela, adik i x kisah pun, im sure tonnes of ppl slalu tersalah ingat keje engineer plus tu keje tol :P (haha but seriously he x kesa pun :p) n wedding safura kat putra heights theme kaler ijau pucuk pisang ye

Haha hw can I live without u in my life? Pls fast forward setahun so that u ll b back in Malaysia for good! But seriously, ur forbidden to b anywhere within a kilometre radius of my kad kawen, or yours for that matter huhu n no disrespect to all the hardworking toll workers esp aweks2 tol yg cun melecun yg saban hari sentiasa dikacau oleh abg2 remps yg bersemangat bagi salam/ mntk nombor/ nk pegang2 tangan (ew geli)

Satu fakta yg best tentang sy yg membuat sy terase best di mata org: sy suke organise jumpe2! Sy adalah org yg paling rajin mengadap internet berjam2 utk explore tmpt makan yg menarek dan best lagi affordable, that is unless u have a friend named Dhillon yang xde hal nye leyh blanje makan Tamarind Springs tanpa apa2 calaran pun pade ego dan dompetnya, sile laaa stick to affordable ye liza! hahaaha owhhh sy juge suke explore dewan2 pantai2 atau padang2 best utk dijadikan setting majlis kawen n sentiase frust bile x dapat carik dewan yg ade tangga cinderella mcm dlm umah2 vazz gedevazz cite2 hindustan

Al-kisahnya I have two get togethers to set up n sy sgt bersemangat skali nak carik tempat yg best lagi affordable utk bukak pose berpadanan dgn budget rakan2 yg rata2 baru memulakan alam pekerjaan dan x dapat lagi 1st gaji nak2 lagi dah x dapat duit mara, weyhhh bebuke mcd pun best korang, lebih rm30 dapat nugget free!!!!! muahahahahahaha :p Hahaha xpe korang, aku akan try my very best utk carik tmpt yg makanan byk makanla kau sampai lebam tp baya ciput, taun ni kasik can laaaaa taun depan kalo rm50 pun kemut nak baya mmg aku sepuk ah seko2 :P

Pembetulan: Theme kaler belah Safura ialah kaler ijau lumut. Harap maklum :P

Thursday, 27 August 2009

Shahmeen's farewell

8.14 am: Kringgg...kring.....sape plak tepon subuh2 ni? alamak!! dh terlepas sahur rupenye! :( . Huhu I received a call this morning from Exxon saying that I'm expected to lapor diri 8am on the 1st of Sept!! Wahhhh bermula sudah working life, about time tho me thinks :D Quite nervous nak tau which department I'll b in, mintak2la keje x brape nak demanding hehehe :P

On to more enjoyable events, smalam berlangsungnye majlis bukak pose at Holiday Villa Subang a.k.a farewell party for Shahmeen whose going off to Abu Dhabi on Friday *sob..sob* I'm soo gonna miss u mr polar bear!!! Ramai gile manusiaaaaa kat situ smalam but luckily we already had a reservation and siap ade special area lagi for reserved tables.

Smiley Mr Polar Bear with his hugeeee farewell card!

It was such a long day yest (padehal penat pose hehe), went to Sogo to meet up with Abe n dek e (betul ke eja?), that's where I bought the humongous farewell card despite 2 org mamat Kuching disapprovingly looking on haha ke sbb x puas ati korang yg kene bwk kad tu hihi :p From there pegi medan MARA (ceh bunyi cam jauh) anta certified exam transcript n singgah kedai kuih raye membe Abe, which coincidently turns out to be my membe gak -> tp membe aku dulu la be sbb aku kenal die dulu hehe. Bought Shahmeen's fav cookies: kuih tat nenas gulung, thx Faiz for the discount :) Sedap sgt kuih die, hehe silelaaaa promosi free utk kuih raya Berisi Cafe kat Medan MARA, slamat mencube puan2! :D

Pastu kitorang naikla komuter gi subang, rase bsalah plak drag Abe n Dek e naik public transport here n there, dahla packed so we had to stand the whole journey..ampunnnn..janji next year ko balik dari korea aku da bole drive, ckp je korang nk gi mane hehe :P Smpi Subang sempat lagi gi Subang Parade where Dek e stocked up on his Brahim, kat Korea leceh nak dapat ayam halal katenye..ala rugi plak x amek gamba berpuluh2 kotak Brahim tuuu hhahaha sumpah byk gile weyyy! Owh n bought Shahmeen another botol of the chocolate stick wafers nyum2!

After a looooonnnngggggg (jam gile) taxi ride to Holiday Villa, kitorang smpi ngam2 kol 7, evrybody got there around the same time, mokcik Fasyah finished her referral exam pagi tu so it's another reason to celebrate! :) A lot of us (altho not all of us) were there to celebrate the joyous occasion:

My brother Alan, Abe n adik Abe, dek e yg jauh lebih maco dari ko be hehehe

Pasangan merpati sejoli Riza n mokcik Laila Fasyah

Fieky channeling his 2nd brother (rambut sebijik) and Liza berbedak capuk n feeling ala2 burung merak u ollss haha

Dan tentunye yg diraikan, Shahmeen with the ribboned kuihs n the huge ass card!

As written on the card, Goodbye dear Shahmeen from all of us!!! n good luck in Abu Dhabi, nnt balik Msia calling2 okeh! We'll surely meet again insyAllah :) At about 10.30pm selepas melantak kaw2 n berbincang perihal semase (bkn mengumpat sape2 yg x dtg tu yeee tetttttt haha) we all made our seperate ways, haihhhh time flies so fast bile spend dgn org2 tersayang :D

Wednesday, 26 August 2009


Ok this is weird~~Sy ade blog baru!!!!

Kenape plak sy nak ade blog baru? Hehe bcos this time this blog serves a different kind of purpose, blog lame was like that bcos I felt ashamed and uncomfortable if I get too personal and too let go in my postings, segan kot kalo org bace! This time around, i've decided to persetankan semua itu sbb xde org bace blog saye pun! hahahahaha :D

Ok and also this does have to do with me waking up pagi ni (walaupun x brape nak pagi) and checking my HSBC account and finding that MARA dah x masuk duit beribu raban bulan ni....sighhhhh I'm officially no longer a student!! Dear xom, sile cepat2 suruh sy jadi kuli batak anda so that I can sustain my monthly contributions to my various charity organisations, haha thought counts okk! :P Eyhhh kene mengena?? Well disebabkan depresi, sy terase a new blog wud be the best kind of therapy!!

Azam utk blog kali ini: utk memblog kisah2 menarik sy setiap hari!!!! It sounds like a no brainer tp sumpah this is almost impossible for me! Dulu mase kecik2 punyela semangat tiap2 taun beli buku tebal nak buat diary, but I never wrote past a month! Itupun 3 ari pertame je tulis pastu dah berselang minggu2, samela cam blog lame, berminggu2 baru update! eheheheehe I have a gud feeling bout this one tho cewah2 :D

Gtg- Membe tgh tgg kat area Sogo, mlm ni pegi bukak pose ngan kawan2 yg best! hee~~~:D

Update: Tibe2 baru perasan that my 1st posting was on Haroun's 23rd birthday!! ceh padehal nmpk sgt bace balik posting sendiri here's a BIGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG bday shout out to dearest haroun!!! Balik cepat nyahhhhh kaula pengarang jantung hati aku x saba nak gosssssss (light2 je la sbb bulan pose, nnt potong markah! haha)

Ini gamba terbaru Haroun, die yg dok mengoyin (tersengeh) kat tgh2 tu, masih single, boleh rekemen! yg pendek belah kanan pakai sarung nangka tu juge single ye hehehehee yg tinggi lampai kontrol macho tu plak single but not available la plakkkkk haha :P Together, we're the singletonssss! :D